The Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is a term which is used to describe a particular kind of exercise, which is mainly focused on the body. It was first introduced in India during the period of ancient times. It has been practiced by the people of India for a long time and now it has spread to many parts of the world. Yoga is not only a physical exercise but also a way of life. It is a combination of physical exercises, breathing techniques and meditation.

Benefits of Yoga:

Yoga is an exercise which helps to keep the body fit and healthy. It is not just a simple exercise but also a way of living. It can help you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The main benefits of yoga are:

  1. It helps you to reduce stress levels.
  2. It helps you to have a healthy and strong body.
  3. It helps you to maintain a healthy heart.
  4. It helps you to stay away from diseases like diabetes and cancer.
  5. It helps you to stay happy and calm.
  6. It helps you to have better sleep.
  7. It helps you to have more energy.
  8. It helps you to lose weight.
  9. It helps you to improve your immune system.
  10. It helps you to feel relaxed.
  11. It helps you to have improved posture.
  12. It helps you to develop self confidence.
  13. It helps you to become a spiritual person.

Is Yoga As Good As Exercise?

It is true that yoga is a form of exercise and it can be considered as a form of aerobic exercise. However, it is not as good as exercise because it does not require any special equipment or machinery. You can do yoga anywhere and at anytime. In addition, it does not require any special clothing.

Types of Yoga:

There are many types of yoga. Some of the popular types of yoga are:

Bikram Yoga: This is one of the most popular types of yoga. It is practiced in a room heated to about 45 degrees Celsius. It involves a series of 26 postures which are done in a particular order.

Iyengar Yoga: This is a type of yoga which was introduced by BKS Iyengar. It is a combination of Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga: This is a style of yoga which was developed by Pattabhi Jois. It is a combination of both Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. Vinyasa Yoga involves a sequence of postures and each posture is held for a certain amount of time.

Kripalu Yoga: This is a style which was developed by Dr. Kripalu. It is a combination of all the above mentioned types of yoga.

Hatha Yoga: This is a style that involves stretching and breathing. It is also known as Raja Yoga. It was first introduced by Patanjali.

Ashtanga Yoga: This is a style in which each posture is held for a specific amount of time. It was first introduced by Pattabhi Jois.